Marketing is so powerful that it can make even an extremely untalented musician a one-hundred-hits wonder.
There would definitely be way fewer instances of cheating, if the average couple did not have sex only when the woman feels like it.
It is usually unbearably painful to read a book by an author who knows way less than you do, unless the book is a novel.
Being bored is the price we pay for not being insane.
The death of a billionaire is worth more to the media than the lives of a billion poor people.
It is childish to eat primarily or only to please your tongue.
There is nothing inherently painful about being cheated on.
It is still cheating, even if nobody comes.
Whenever they are condemning weaves or breast implants, some people speak so passionately that their false teeth almost fall out.
The fact that the person who you are sleeping with is also sleeping with another person or other people does not necessarily mean that he or she does not love you. And the fact that you are the only p...
Instead of being regarded as intelligent or knowledgeable, many a woman would rather be regarded as beautiful or good in the kitchen; many a man, as handsome or good in bed.
By drinking, a boy acts like a man. After drinking, many a man acts like a boy.
Some days are better than others. The same can be said about people.
Plants are more courageous than almost all human beings: an orange tree would rather die than produce lemons, whereas instead of dying the average person would rather be someone they are not.
More often than not, expecting to lose weight without first losing the diet that made the weight loss necessary is like expecting a pig to be spotless after hosing it down while it was still rolling i...
There is so much woman in many a girl and too much boy in many a man.
Life sometimes reminds us that it is sometimes heartless by giving something or someone we really need to someone who does not need or even want them or it.
Life is a process during which one initially gets less and less dependent, independent, and then more and more dependent.
People who are not blessed with the ability to make others laugh compensate for that by saying (or trying to say) things that are profound.
Nothing is as irritating to a shy man as a confident girl.
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