Top Death Quotes
Death Definition
(v. i.) The cessation of all vital phenomena without capability of resuscitation, either in animals or plants.
(v. i.) Total privation or loss; extinction; cessation; as, the death of memory.
(v. i.) Manner of dying; act or state of passing from life.
(v. i.) Cause of loss of life.
(v. i.) Personified: The destroyer of life, -- conventionally represented as a skeleton with a scythe.
(v. i.) Danger of death.
(v. i.) Murder; murderous character.
(v. i.) Loss of spiritual life.
(v. i.) Anything so dreadful as to be like death.
I have drunk the night and swallowed the stars. I am dancing with abandon and singing with rapture. There is not a thing I do not love. There is not a person I have not forgiven. I feel a universe of...
Kamand Kojouri
abandon, afterlife, bereavement, celebrate, celebration, dance, dancing, death, death poems, deceased