Sybrina Fulton Quote

Thinking about justice and mercy and grace, Frederick Douglass said, I prayed for twenty years. Nothing happened until I got off my knees and started marching with my feet. And that’s the role of the church. We already prayed about it. Now let’s take action on it. You

Sybrina Fulton

Thinking about justice and mercy and grace, Frederick Douglass said, I prayed for twenty years. Nothing happened until I got off my knees and started marching with my feet. And that’s the role of the church. We already prayed about it. Now let’s take action on it. You

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About Sybrina Fulton

Rest in Power: The Enduring Life of Trayvon Martin is a non-fiction book written by Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, the parents of Trayvon Martin, a teenager whose death by shooting drew nationwide protests against racial violence.