Rebecca McNutt Quotes
Some of the most evil human beings in the world are psychiatrists. Not all psychiatrists. Some psychiatrists are selfless, caring people who really want to help. But the sad truth is that in today's s...
Rebecca McNutt
asocial, child innocence, childhood, colleague, creepy, crime, disorder, drug company, drugs, ethics
…I’m afraid of what the digital age will do to the world, to the things we think are important… it’s almost like people want to believe in some illusion that they’re robots and forget altogether that...
Rebecca McNutt
apocalypse, canada, cell phone, digital, dystopian, earth, environmental, gone, grief, hopeless
Amanda, you finally decided to answer the phone, her mom exclaimed after picking up at the first ring. Where’ve you been, what’ve you been up to?Mom, do you remember when I was a kid, I had a friend,...
Rebecca McNutt
call, canada, cape breton, conversation, dysfunctional families, eighteen, family, friend, friendship, girl
Growing up in the digital age, I'm expected to embrace all forms of modern technology with blissful ignorance. Books were always one of few escapes from this, because reading a book means not having t...
Rebecca McNutt
21st century, binary, blissful, broken, convenient, digital, ebook, electronic, enhanced, escape
Mark, trying his best to distance himself from the cruel and pathetic 21st century, hadn’t listened to the news reports, not even when the dark green jeeps and helicopters showed up in town, men dress...
Rebecca McNutt
army, bigitry, box, classroom, education, ignorance, military, nuclear, nuclear war, propaganda
Science is not a democracy. Therefore to try to pass of global warming as real just because "98% of scientists say they agree" makes no sense at all. If 98% of psychiatrists said that all mentally ill...
Rebecca McNutt
agree, bridge, climate change, democracy, earth, environmentalism, global warming, heretic, hippie, jump
Why did you revive me? Alecto repeated. Well… uh, well…. Mandy hesitated, her voice full of sudden misery. They say there are five stages of grief, you know… five stages. denial, anger, bargaining, de...
Rebecca McNutt
anger, bargaining, crazy, death, death of a loved one, dehumanization, denial, depression, discredit, dying
I know what I'm talking about, Alecto! When I think of Jud, I think of the times he wanted to be a coal miner, the times he took Wendy and me sailing in the harbour, the times he showed me how to play...
Rebecca McNutt
assault, attack, beat up, bully, bullying, canada, cape breton parents, confession, conflict, cruelty
Alecto, have you noticed how downhill this little island is becoming? Mandy questioned sadly. All these organic food stores and yoga studios and cellular phone towers… Cape Breton was one of the only...
Rebecca McNutt
cape breton, car, cell phone, change, digital, drive, environmental, life, modernity, nostalgia