Karen Witemeyer Quote

No matter how many precautions we take, none of us are truly in control. Only God can claim that kind of authority. All we can do is use the good sense he provides and trust him to guide us. Meredith stroked his arm from shoulder to wrist, then lightly clasped his hand. If you want to protect me, Travis, prayer is just as powerful a weapon as that gun you carry. Travis blinked, stunned by the simplicity of that statement.

Karen Witemeyer

No matter how many precautions we take, none of us are truly in control. Only God can claim that kind of authority. All we can do is use the good sense he provides and trust him to guide us. Meredith stroked his arm from shoulder to wrist, then lightly clasped his hand. If you want to protect me, Travis, prayer is just as powerful a weapon as that gun you carry. Travis blinked, stunned by the simplicity of that statement.

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