Nikki Rowe Quote
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About Nikki Rowe
James Nicholas "Nick" Rowe (February 8, 1938 – April 21, 1989) was a United States Army officer and one of only 34 American prisoners of war to escape captivity during the Vietnam War. Colonel Rowe was credited with developing the rigorous US Army Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) training program taught to high-risk military personnel (such as Special Operations Forces and aircrews) and the U.S. Army doctrine which institutionalizes these techniques and principles to be followed by captured personnel.
In 1989, Rowe was assassinated by a unit of the New People's Army in the Philippines called the Alex Boncayao Brigade.
In 1989, Rowe was assassinated by a unit of the New People's Army in the Philippines called the Alex Boncayao Brigade.