Basil Mahon Quote

The new law that he predicted seemed to defy common sense. It was that the viscosity of a gas-the internal frictional that causes drag on a body moved through it-is independent of its pressure. One might expect a more compressed gas to exert a greater drag; even James was surprised at first that the theory said otherwise. But further thought showed that, at higher pressure, the effect on a moving body of being surrounded by more molecules is exactly counteracted by the screening effect they provide: each molecule travels, on average, a shorter distance before it collides with another one. A few years later, James and Katherine themselves did the experiment which showed the prediction to be correct.

Basil Mahon

The new law that he predicted seemed to defy common sense. It was that the viscosity of a gas-the internal frictional that causes drag on a body moved through it-is independent of its pressure. One might expect a more compressed gas to exert a greater drag; even James was surprised at first that the theory said otherwise. But further thought showed that, at higher pressure, the effect on a moving body of being surrounded by more molecules is exactly counteracted by the screening effect they provide: each molecule travels, on average, a shorter distance before it collides with another one. A few years later, James and Katherine themselves did the experiment which showed the prediction to be correct.

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