Top Need Quotes
Need Definition
(n.) A state that requires supply or relief; pressing occasion for something; necessity; urgent want.
(n.) Want of the means of subsistence; poverty; indigence; destitution.
(n.) That which is needful; anything necessary to be done; (pl.) necessary things; business.
(n.) Situation of need; peril; danger.
(n.) To be in want of; to have cause or occasion for; to lack; to require, as supply or relief.
(v. i.) To be wanted; to be necessary.
(adv.) Of necessity. See Needs.
Wake up. If your eyes are sleeping then wipe them gently. You need to be awake for this. It is a matter of life and death. Wake up! If your mind is sleeping then shake it quickly. You need to be awake...
Kamand Kojouri
alive, aliveness, attentive, aware, awareness, beat, being alive, chest, conscious, consciousness
Max.God, but she was stubborn. And tough. And closed in. Closed off. Except whenshe was holding Angel, or ruffling the Gasman’s hair, or pushing somethingcloser to Iggy’s hand so he could find it easi...
James Patterson
fang, friendship and love, jealousy, love, max, missing, need, needing, otp, otpotptoptop i just can t