Top Corrupt Quotes
Corrupt Definition
(a.) Changed from a sound to a putrid state; spoiled; tainted; vitiated; unsound.
(a.) Changed from a state of uprightness, correctness, truth, etc., to a worse state; vitiated; depraved; debased; perverted; as, corrupt language; corrupt judges.
(a.) Abounding in errors; not genuine or correct; as, the text of the manuscript is corrupt.
(v. t.) To change from a sound to a putrid or putrescent state; to make putrid; to putrefy.
(v. t.) To change from good to bad; to vitiate; to deprave; to pervert; to debase; to defile.
(v. t.) To draw aside from the path of rectitude and duty; as, to corrupt a judge by a bribe.
(v. t.) To debase or render impure by alterations or innovations; to falsify; as, to corrupt language; to corrupt the sacred text.
(v. t.) To waste, spoil, or consume; to make worthless.
(v. i.) To become putrid or tainted; to putrefy; to rot.
(v. i.) To become vitiated; to lose putity or goodness.
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While police internal affairs is allowed to protect corrupt police officers that engage in unethical behaviors, illegal activities or murder, there will always be a genuine mistrust by the common peop...