Tracey Garvis-Graves Quote

What did you wrap my hand with? he asked. My thong. I looked up at him. You were right ; it's totally uncomfortable. Awesome for first-aid though. The corners of T.J.'s mouth turned up slighty. He looked at me, his brown eyes showing a trance of the spark that had been missing the night before. It'll make for a funny story someday, I said. You know what, Anna? It's kinda funny now.

Tracey Garvis-Graves

What did you wrap my hand with? he asked. My thong. I looked up at him. You were right ; it's totally uncomfortable. Awesome for first-aid though. The corners of T.J.'s mouth turned up slighty. He looked at me, his brown eyes showing a trance of the spark that had been missing the night before. It'll make for a funny story someday, I said. You know what, Anna? It's kinda funny now.

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