J.D. Robb Quote

Sadder and sadder, Peabody said when they were back on the sidewalk. I guess you don’t think of how many people you brush up against, or how they might remember you. The guy at your corner deli, or the owner of your favorite take-out spot. The clerk where you usually shop for clothes. Not to sound too Free-Agey, but it matters. It all matters, what we leave behind with the people we brush up against.

J.D. Robb

Sadder and sadder, Peabody said when they were back on the sidewalk. I guess you don’t think of how many people you brush up against, or how they might remember you. The guy at your corner deli, or the owner of your favorite take-out spot. The clerk where you usually shop for clothes. Not to sound too Free-Agey, but it matters. It all matters, what we leave behind with the people we brush up against.

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About J.D. Robb

Nora Roberts (born Eleanor Marie Robertson on October 10, 1950) is an American author of over 225 romance novels. She writes as J. D. Robb, Jill March, and (in the U.K.) Sarah Hardesty.