Erin McKean Quote

Ex·pi·ate v. [trans.] atone for (guilt or sin): their sins must be expiated by sacrifice. ex·pi·a·ble adj. ex·pi·a·tion n. ex·pi·a·tor n. ex·pi·a·to·ry adj. late 16th cent. (in the sense 'end (rage, sorrow, etc.) by suffering it to the full'): from Latin expiat- 'appeased by sacrifice', from the verb expiare, from ex- 'out' + piare (from pius 'pious').

Erin McKean

Ex·pi·ate v. [trans.] atone for (guilt or sin): their sins must be expiated by sacrifice. ex·pi·a·ble adj. ex·pi·a·tion n. ex·pi·a·tor n. ex·pi·a·to·ry adj. late 16th cent. (in the sense 'end (rage, sorrow, etc.) by suffering it to the full'): from Latin expiat- 'appeased by sacrifice', from the verb expiare, from ex- 'out' + piare (from pius 'pious').

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About Erin McKean

Erin McKean (born 1971) is an American lexicographer.