People and institutions that refuse to admit error eventually discredit themselves.
Whether voting Republican or Democrat, the result is the same: A corrupt corporate government.
Before the nineteen-seventies, most Republicans in Washington accepted the institutions of the welfare state, and most Democrats agreed with the logic of the Cold War. Despite the passions over variou...
No matter their party, people with a conflict of interest should be banned from the Electoral College.
Blind party loyalty will be our downfall. We must follow the truth wherever it leads.
For 70 years Democrats bitterly denied being "socialists". Bernie Sanders has done the service of exposing them.
Violence isn't a Democrat or Republican problem. It's an American problem, requiring an American solution.
Democracy's fatal flaw: There are more dumb people than smart people. Welcome to the new Dark Ages!
When widely followed public figures feel free to say anything, without any fact-checking, it becomes impossible for a democracy to think intelligently about big issues.
Capitalists grow wealth. Socialists redistribute wealth.... but population grows, so the Socialist population control kicks in in the form of eugenics.
Voting for the Green Party is how you say 'Up Yours!' to the Republicans and Democrats.
If your party serves the powerful and well-funded interests, and there's no limit to what you can spend, you have a permanent, structural advantage. We're averaging fifty-dollar checks in our campaign...
With modern technology it is the easiest of tasks for a media, guided by a narrow group of political manipulators, to speak constantly of democracy and freedom while urging regime changes everywhere o...
The Democrats would like you to believe that the USA is the 'Greatest nation on Earth'. Is this true? The Republicans answer this question by stating there is a need to 'Make America Great Again
A Dirty Clown Is a Ridiculously Clean when standing amongst Politicians.
We (libertarians) find just as many things to rip on the left as we do on the right. People on the far-left and the far-right are the same exact person to us.
The Democratic Party of the USA would greatly appreciate your cooperation with re-installing Mr & Mrs Pinocchio into the White House.
Extremes to the right and to the left of any political dispute are always wrong.
when the democrats choose not to be democratic, democracy fails to be democratic.
I didn`t change. The Democratic Party slid to the Left from right under me.
Showing 1 to 20 of 34 results