Top Beliefs Quotes
I don't want to be around people who accept me as is, in my unrefined state of becoming. I consistently want people around me who push and encourage me to be my ultimate best, who bring out the inner...
Brandi L. Bates
2014, affluence, ascension, atlanta, beliefs, belize, books, brandi bates, brandi l bates, human nature
Heresy would like to think of itself as 'invented Truth'. But of course, all Reason and Logic would agree that no man can ever create Truth; he can only discover it. If heresy were ever at all benefic...
Criss Jami
answers, apologetics, argumentation, beliefs, church, create, deceit, definition, discovery, doctrine
We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless...
Carlos Castaneda
aliens, ancient history, anunnaki, beliefs, cause and effect, chaos, cognitive dissonance, cosmos, dreams, food
Would you not say that peace is the greatest desire of true soldiers? Do we not have the most to lose from war? And businesses, most of them except military and oil ones, most of them have a vested in...
Earl Devere
argument, beliefs, conviction, drama, dramatic moment, politicians, politics, protest, screenplay