Robert M. Pirsig Quote

The romantic mode is primarily inspirational, imaginative, creative, intuitive. Feelings rather than facts predominate. Art when it is opposed to Science is often romantic. It does not proceed by reason or by laws. It proceeds by feeling, intuition and esthetic conscience.

Robert M. Pirsig

The romantic mode is primarily inspirational, imaginative, creative, intuitive. Feelings rather than facts predominate. Art when it is opposed to Science is often romantic. It does not proceed by reason or by laws. It proceeds by feeling, intuition and esthetic conscience.

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About Robert M. Pirsig

Robert Maynard Pirsig (; September 6, 1928 – April 24, 2017) was an American writer and philosopher. He is the author of the philosophical novels Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values (1974) and Lila: An Inquiry into Morals (1991), and he co-authored On Quality: An Inquiry Into Excellence: Selected and Unpublished Writings (2022) along with his wife and editor, Wendy Pirsig.