Lynn Kurland Quote

What is wrong with the [tale of] Two Swords? he asked, even more surprised. Don't you care for it?There is too bloody much romance in it, she said curtly.Ah, well, here was the crux of it, apparently. Don't you like romance? he ventured.She looked as though she were trying to decide if she should weep or, as he had earlier predicted, stick him with whatever blade she could lay her, hand on. I don't know, she said briskly.I see, he said, though he didn't. He wished, absently, that he'd had at least one sister. He was very well versed in what constituted courtly behavior and appropriate formal wooing practices, thanks to his father's insistence on many such lectures delivered by a dour man whose only acquaintance with women had likely come from reading about them in a book, but he had absolutely no idea how to proceed with a woman whose first instinct when faced with something that made her uncomfortable was to draw her sword....I'll stop provoking you, but I will have the answer to a question. Why do you think most men woo?Because they have no sword skill and need something with which to occupy their time?

Lynn Kurland

What is wrong with the [tale of] Two Swords? he asked, even more surprised. Don't you care for it?There is too bloody much romance in it, she said curtly.Ah, well, here was the crux of it, apparently. Don't you like romance? he ventured.She looked as though she were trying to decide if she should weep or, as he had earlier predicted, stick him with whatever blade she could lay her, hand on. I don't know, she said briskly.I see, he said, though he didn't. He wished, absently, that he'd had at least one sister. He was very well versed in what constituted courtly behavior and appropriate formal wooing practices, thanks to his father's insistence on many such lectures delivered by a dour man whose only acquaintance with women had likely come from reading about them in a book, but he had absolutely no idea how to proceed with a woman whose first instinct when faced with something that made her uncomfortable was to draw her sword....I'll stop provoking you, but I will have the answer to a question. Why do you think most men woo?Because they have no sword skill and need something with which to occupy their time?

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About Lynn Kurland

Lynn Kurland is an American author of historical, time travel, and fantasy romance novels. The characters in most of her books all belong to one of three extended families (MacLeod, McKinnon, de Piaget). She is a recipient of the RITA Award.