Lisa Kleypas Quote

Rohan, one of us is an unmarried man with superior mathematical abilities and no prospects for the evening. The other is a confirmed lecher in an amorous mood, with a willing and nubile young wife waiting at home. Who do you think should do the damned account books? And, with a nonchalant wave, St. Vincent had left the office.

Lisa Kleypas

Rohan, one of us is an unmarried man with superior mathematical abilities and no prospects for the evening. The other is a confirmed lecher in an amorous mood, with a willing and nubile young wife waiting at home. Who do you think should do the damned account books? And, with a nonchalant wave, St. Vincent had left the office.

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About Lisa Kleypas

Lisa Kleypas (born November 5, 1964) is an American author of historical and contemporary romance novels. In 1985, she was named Miss Massachusetts 1985 and competed in the Miss America 1986 pageant in Atlantic City.