Kristin Rae Quote

You’re superstitious? His rough voice echoes above our heads, so he leans in closer and says, I didn’t really see that coming.I’m usually not, but I guess that got ingrained. Everyone in my circle knows not to say that inside a theater.Bad luck, I take it? he asks. I nod and he observes the place one more time before following me out. Not to be insensitive to our surroundings or anything, but I think bad luck’s already done its business here.Old habits…blow up in your face. I adjust my ponytail and try to concentrate on what’s around us, but from the corner of my eyes I see Darren bite his lip. I’m not sure if he finds this new information about me endearing or insane. He follows me quietly for a few minutes before speaking again. So theater, huh? Not sure I saw that one coming either.Why? My cheeks are warm, but I keep in front of him and look anywhere but his direction.The theater kids back at my high school were…a lot different than you.I laugh a little louder than necessary. There are definitely some characters in drama club. As far as style or individuality goes, I’m not much of a standout at school.You would have stood out to me.I don’t need any tall-girl jokes from you, thanks.He shrugs. That’s not what I meant.Must. Look. Away. What else can I take a picture of? I point the camera to my feet and snap a few.You’re taking pictures of your feet? His tone is equal parts curious and amused.Oh yeah, I say, turning the camera on his sneakers. I’ll call it, ‘Standing in Pompeii.’How original.Great. I’ve just made myself a certifiable nutcase.

Kristin Rae

You’re superstitious? His rough voice echoes above our heads, so he leans in closer and says, I didn’t really see that coming.I’m usually not, but I guess that got ingrained. Everyone in my circle knows not to say that inside a theater.Bad luck, I take it? he asks. I nod and he observes the place one more time before following me out. Not to be insensitive to our surroundings or anything, but I think bad luck’s already done its business here.Old habits…blow up in your face. I adjust my ponytail and try to concentrate on what’s around us, but from the corner of my eyes I see Darren bite his lip. I’m not sure if he finds this new information about me endearing or insane. He follows me quietly for a few minutes before speaking again. So theater, huh? Not sure I saw that one coming either.Why? My cheeks are warm, but I keep in front of him and look anywhere but his direction.The theater kids back at my high school were…a lot different than you.I laugh a little louder than necessary. There are definitely some characters in drama club. As far as style or individuality goes, I’m not much of a standout at school.You would have stood out to me.I don’t need any tall-girl jokes from you, thanks.He shrugs. That’s not what I meant.Must. Look. Away. What else can I take a picture of? I point the camera to my feet and snap a few.You’re taking pictures of your feet? His tone is equal parts curious and amused.Oh yeah, I say, turning the camera on his sneakers. I’ll call it, ‘Standing in Pompeii.’How original.Great. I’ve just made myself a certifiable nutcase.

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