Kristin Rae Quote

Darren spreads out the beach mats and drops his backpack on top of one. As soon as he crosses his arms and grips the hem of his shirt with both hands, I know what’s going to happen. I should look away but I can’t. Abs reveal themselves. One. At. A time. His chest isn’t exactly lacking for hair, but given the amount on his face and head, I expected that. Not that I actively thought of what his chest might look like.Not often, anyway.As he wads up his shirt to stow under his backpack, he glances at me, but I cast my gaze down, suddenly finding the sand-to-pebble ratio of the beach fascinating.

Kristin Rae

Darren spreads out the beach mats and drops his backpack on top of one. As soon as he crosses his arms and grips the hem of his shirt with both hands, I know what’s going to happen. I should look away but I can’t. Abs reveal themselves. One. At. A time. His chest isn’t exactly lacking for hair, but given the amount on his face and head, I expected that. Not that I actively thought of what his chest might look like.Not often, anyway.As he wads up his shirt to stow under his backpack, he glances at me, but I cast my gaze down, suddenly finding the sand-to-pebble ratio of the beach fascinating.

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