Jonathan Safran Foer Quote

This is the sixty-nine, I told him,presenting the magazine in front of him. I put my fingers—two of them—on the action, so that he would not overlook it. Why is it dubbedsixty-nine? he asked, because he is a person hot on fire with curiosity.It was invented in 1969. My friend Gregory knows a friend of thenephew of the inventor. What did people do before 1969? Merelyblowjobs and masticating box, but never in chorus. He will be made aVIP if I have a thing to do with it.This is where the story begins.But first I am burdened to recite my good appearance. I am unequivocallytall. I do not know any women who are taller than me. Thewomen I know who are taller than me are lesbians, for whom 1969 was avery momentous year.

Jonathan Safran Foer

This is the sixty-nine, I told him,presenting the magazine in front of him. I put my fingers—two of them—on the action, so that he would not overlook it. Why is it dubbedsixty-nine? he asked, because he is a person hot on fire with curiosity.It was invented in 1969. My friend Gregory knows a friend of thenephew of the inventor. What did people do before 1969? Merelyblowjobs and masticating box, but never in chorus. He will be made aVIP if I have a thing to do with it.This is where the story begins.But first I am burdened to recite my good appearance. I am unequivocallytall. I do not know any women who are taller than me. Thewomen I know who are taller than me are lesbians, for whom 1969 was avery momentous year.

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About Jonathan Safran Foer

Jonathan Safran Foer (; born February 21, 1977) is an American novelist. He is known for his novels Everything Is Illuminated (2002), Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2005), Here I Am (2016), and for his non-fiction works Eating Animals (2009) and We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast (2019). He teaches creative writing at New York University.