J.D. Robb Quote

Your wedding ring, Dallas. With that quiet smile, Isis lifted Eve’s left hand. It’s carved with an old Celtic design for protection. Baffled, Eve studied the pretty etching in the slim gold ring. It’s just a design. It’s a very specific and powerful one, to give the wearer protection from harm. Amused, she raised her brows. I see you didn’t know. Is it so surprising, really? Your husband has the blood of the Celts, and you lead a very precarious life. Roarke loves you very much, and you wear the symbol of it.

J.D. Robb

Your wedding ring, Dallas. With that quiet smile, Isis lifted Eve’s left hand. It’s carved with an old Celtic design for protection. Baffled, Eve studied the pretty etching in the slim gold ring. It’s just a design. It’s a very specific and powerful one, to give the wearer protection from harm. Amused, she raised her brows. I see you didn’t know. Is it so surprising, really? Your husband has the blood of the Celts, and you lead a very precarious life. Roarke loves you very much, and you wear the symbol of it.

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About J.D. Robb

Nora Roberts (born Eleanor Marie Robertson on October 10, 1950) is an American author of over 225 romance novels. She writes as J. D. Robb, Jill March, and (in the U.K.) Sarah Hardesty.