Cal Newport Quote

It was time for Morse to make his first major demonstration of his invention. All he needed was an inaugural message. Based on a suggestion from the daughter of the patent commissioner who had supported Morse’s innovation, he tapped a well-known phrase from the end of the book of Numbers: WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT? As Winchester notes, these words, when considered in isolation, formed a simple declarative exclamation, a statement of Samuel Morse’s faith. But in the context of the transformation this invention and its successors would spark, it was better understood as a suitably portentous epigraph for an era of change that now commenced with unimagined speed and unimaginable consequences.

Cal Newport

It was time for Morse to make his first major demonstration of his invention. All he needed was an inaugural message. Based on a suggestion from the daughter of the patent commissioner who had supported Morse’s innovation, he tapped a well-known phrase from the end of the book of Numbers: WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT? As Winchester notes, these words, when considered in isolation, formed a simple declarative exclamation, a statement of Samuel Morse’s faith. But in the context of the transformation this invention and its successors would spark, it was better understood as a suitably portentous epigraph for an era of change that now commenced with unimagined speed and unimaginable consequences.

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About Cal Newport

Calvin C. Newport is an American nonfiction author and full time professor of computer science at Georgetown University.