Sow good seeds for a good yield.
Eschew evil and it`s machinations.
Options abound world over, Options to choose from and be the best.
Stand out tall amidst challenges! Dwarf all irrelevant voices.
Don`t descend to the lowest ebb.
There is a ladder to Success! Choose to climb it.
Shun darkness and evil vices for they that embrace them wear off with time!
Shine forth your light before all beings.
Shout out for Joy! Don`t scream out in fear for victors shout and victims scream.
You have been called to a life of blessing, don`t descend to that of curses.
Always contend for the good!
Decide to be rich! Hate poverty strong.
Have the best course for all your actions.
In your emotions: exercise Joy over sadness.
There is seed time and harvest, choose to sow at the right time so as to have a bountiful harvest.
Be positive at all times! Leave out the negatives.
Choices, options, decisions abound. Choose right, take the best option and decide well.
You are created with a mandate! You have all you need to fulfill it.
Don`t turn around in circles for making circles do not equate making progress.
Forget yesterday, Act on Today and Get a hold on tomorrow.
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