Bobby Underwood Quote

Yeah, that’s it! There’s these gorgeous paintings on the arches. Now, they ain’t my cup o’ java, mind ya, but it’s gotta be high class, cause one them women’s topless, and ain’t nobody pays her no attention. That’s when you know it’s art, Henry added, as though he was sharing some profound insight, when you can make the gals naked and no one makes a fuss about it.

Bobby Underwood

Yeah, that’s it! There’s these gorgeous paintings on the arches. Now, they ain’t my cup o’ java, mind ya, but it’s gotta be high class, cause one them women’s topless, and ain’t nobody pays her no attention. That’s when you know it’s art, Henry added, as though he was sharing some profound insight, when you can make the gals naked and no one makes a fuss about it.

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