Bobby Underwood Quote

When someone dies without ever having experienced the joy of it, never really had someone love them in their heart, it leaves…well an ache, an echo if you will. It's a void of regret and sadness that doesn't die with them. Because of that, they can't cross over. They would never be truly happy in heaven. They would be waiting forever for someone who would never come, because no one would die who ever adored them.

Bobby Underwood

When someone dies without ever having experienced the joy of it, never really had someone love them in their heart, it leaves…well an ache, an echo if you will. It's a void of regret and sadness that doesn't die with them. Because of that, they can't cross over. They would never be truly happy in heaven. They would be waiting forever for someone who would never come, because no one would die who ever adored them.

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