Bobby Underwood Quote

Lamont Chandler. Her face, especially those lovely eyes, filled with amusement. She whispered, Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? I laughed and she couldn’t help but join me. There was something restful and pure in her laughter, like a Christmas carol. My grandfather used to work at a radio station where they broadcast The Shadow, I explained. He’d take my dad when he was a kid. Dad even met Bill Johnstone once. Anyway, my dad named me after the hero of the show. I added, I’m surprised you know about it.

Bobby Underwood

Lamont Chandler. Her face, especially those lovely eyes, filled with amusement. She whispered, Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? I laughed and she couldn’t help but join me. There was something restful and pure in her laughter, like a Christmas carol. My grandfather used to work at a radio station where they broadcast The Shadow, I explained. He’d take my dad when he was a kid. Dad even met Bill Johnstone once. Anyway, my dad named me after the hero of the show. I added, I’m surprised you know about it.

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