Barbara Newhall Follett Quote

One could starve to death on an enviable job — for mountain wind, for stars among pine trees, or the call of a wood-thrush to his mate.

Barbara Newhall Follett

One could starve to death on an enviable job — for mountain wind, for stars among pine trees, or the call of a wood-thrush to his mate.

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About Barbara Newhall Follett

Barbara Newhall Follett (March 4, 1914 – disappeared December 7, 1939) was an American child prodigy novelist. Her first novel, The House Without Windows, was published in January 1927, when she was twelve years old. Her next novel, The Voyage of the Norman D., received critical acclaim when she was fourteen.
In December 1939, aged 25, Follett reportedly became depressed with her marriage and walked out of her apartment, never to be seen again.