If your financial life is not in order, every other area of your life will be in disorder.
Visionless people are prone to harm and trouble, because they always follow any path and end anyhow.
To be spirit led is better than been driven by guilt.
Downfall, failure and death cannot be far from any man who made counterfeit friends his ally and support.
Your approach and response to issues will determine how people will relate and deal with you per time.
The road may be rough, the journey may be tough and the experience may be bitter, but they are stepping stones to our future thrones.
If where we are now and whatever we are going through does not motivate us to leave this world better than the way we met it, we are in this world for wrong reasons.
Evidence will terminate any short or long era of an argument.
We must desire to see people rising in life, rather than looking for ways to contribute to their fall.
You may not fully discover who you are until you are helped by the Holy Spirit.
What you shouldn't be must not be allowed to stand on the way of whom you can become.
He who mocked and laughed at correction should blame nobody for his shame and doom.
The wise will make holiness and purity their priority.
Wisdom is unwanted in the colony of fools.
The tragedy waiting for politicians in future is greater than the gain in politics if it is measured, politicians kill, steal and betray the voters, but at the end they go to early grave, lose their p...
He who puts off the light of another had sown the seed of darkness into his own future.
Sometimes we need boldness, creativity and wisdom to enforce the change we want in us and others.
God designed life to be enjoyed by all, but human being turned things around and made it to be endured.
Even if doors are open to the fool, he/she will still be foolish in accessing them.
Some human beings in their craftiness thought they can pretend to be good when they are actually bad.
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