Thinking makes man to be god & GOD to dwell in Man.
Nobody but you have to believe in your dreams to make them a reality.
I am giving my best in the pursuit of my most cherished dreams.
No one else knows exactly what the future holds for you, no one else knows what obstacles you've overcome to be where you are, so don't expect others to feel as passionate about your dreams as you do.
The SECRET to unravelling Life's MYSTERIES is thinking.
The capacity to solve Life's problems is based on our abilities to learn to think above and not below the problems.
Never feel intimidated by defeat nor death, but rather intimidate life with your dreams.
Crossing the limit is not my styleMy footsteps meander less than a mileI travel the world perhaps in a minuteYet a dream, to me, is never infinite!
I can see clearly my visions.
Ignorance breeds success.
With determination, discipline and hard work all dreams become a reality.
Create your own out of the box thinking, create your own box.
Hope is a pillar of faith. It is pillar which holds our desired dreams.
The promise of a hopeful future is motivation for the pursuit of my dreams.
Keep moving in the direction of your dreams. No matter how slows it may seems, stay focus, you will get to the finish line.
The only way we can divorce fears in our lives is by marrying our desires.
When you turn your dreams on there is no off switch.
All my dreams will be fulfilled at the proper time.
You have to believe in your dreams, to reach out for your dreams.
Abundance does not come in packages, it comes from the happiness within.
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