William Struse Quote

233 is the 13th number in a Fibonacci sequence (233 = 3 x 17) (17 is the 7th prime) 377 is the 14th number in a Fibonacci sequence (377 = 13 x 29) 609 is the sum of a Fibonacci sequence up to the 13th iteration (609 = 3 x 7 x 29) 986 is the sum of a Fibonacci sequence up to the 14th iteration (986 = 2 x 17 x 29) (17 is the 7th prime) 13 is the 6th prime number 41 is the 13th prime number (If 1 was considered a prime number, 13 would be the 7th prime and 41 would be the 14th prime.) 43 is the 14th prime number The sum of all prime numbers to 13 is 41, or 42 if 1 was still included (42 = 6 x 7) The sum of primes to 29 is 129 (129 = 3 x 43) 43=14th prime, or 130 if 1 was still included (130 = 13 x 10) The sum of primes up to 41 is 238 (238 = 2 x 7 x 17), or 239 if 1 was still included (239 = 52nd prime, 52 = 4 x 13)

William Struse

233 is the 13th number in a Fibonacci sequence (233 = 3 x 17) (17 is the 7th prime) 377 is the 14th number in a Fibonacci sequence (377 = 13 x 29) 609 is the sum of a Fibonacci sequence up to the 13th iteration (609 = 3 x 7 x 29) 986 is the sum of a Fibonacci sequence up to the 14th iteration (986 = 2 x 17 x 29) (17 is the 7th prime) 13 is the 6th prime number 41 is the 13th prime number (If 1 was considered a prime number, 13 would be the 7th prime and 41 would be the 14th prime.) 43 is the 14th prime number The sum of all prime numbers to 13 is 41, or 42 if 1 was still included (42 = 6 x 7) The sum of primes to 29 is 129 (129 = 3 x 43) 43=14th prime, or 130 if 1 was still included (130 = 13 x 10) The sum of primes up to 41 is 238 (238 = 2 x 7 x 17), or 239 if 1 was still included (239 = 52nd prime, 52 = 4 x 13)

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