Stephanie Perkins Quote

Most people in Atlanta don't have an accent. It's pretty urban. A lot of people speak gangsta, though, I add jokingly. Fo' shiz, he replies in his polite English accent. I spurt orangey-red soup across the table. St. Clair gives a surprised ha-HA kind of laugh, and I'm laughing too, the painful kind like abdominal crunches. He hands me a napkin to wipe my chin. Fo'. Shiz. He repeats it solemnly.Cough cough. Please don't ever stop saying that. It's too- I gasp. Much.You oughtn't to have said that. Now I shall have to save it for special occasions.My birthday is in February. Cough choke wheeze. Please don't forget.

Stephanie Perkins

Most people in Atlanta don't have an accent. It's pretty urban. A lot of people speak gangsta, though, I add jokingly. Fo' shiz, he replies in his polite English accent. I spurt orangey-red soup across the table. St. Clair gives a surprised ha-HA kind of laugh, and I'm laughing too, the painful kind like abdominal crunches. He hands me a napkin to wipe my chin. Fo'. Shiz. He repeats it solemnly.Cough cough. Please don't ever stop saying that. It's too- I gasp. Much.You oughtn't to have said that. Now I shall have to save it for special occasions.My birthday is in February. Cough choke wheeze. Please don't forget.

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About Stephanie Perkins

Stephanie Perkins is an American author, known for her books Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, The New York Times bestseller Isla and the Happily Ever After, and, There's Someone Inside Your House, the latter of which was adapted into a film of the same name by Netflix.