Sakyong Mipham Quotes

About Author
Sakyong Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche, Jampal Trinley Dradül (born Ösel Rangdrol Mukpo ca. November 15, 1962) is a Tibetan Buddhist lama and holder of the Sakyong Lineage of Mukpodong, a family lineage. The Sakyong was recognized in 1995 as the tulku (reincarnation) of Mipham the Great, the great Rime teacher of the late 19th century.
The Sakyong led the Shambhala organization, a worldwide network of Buddhist meditation centers, retreat centers, a monastery, and other enterprises, from 1991 until 2021 when they parted ways.
He is the son of the renowned Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
In July 2018, after more than two decades at the helm Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche agreed to temporarily step back from his administrative and teaching duties to allow space for an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct. He resumed teaching in late 2019. He legally separated from the Shambhala organization in February 2022 after an impasse in which the Shambhala Board of Directors could not agree with the Sakyong Potrang - the organization representing the Sakyong - on a way forward together. He moved to Nepal and gives teachings to his international sangha most weekends online.