Rysa Walker Quote

Pru shrugs. I wasn’t sure how long they’d hold our reservation. A sly grin spreads over her face. I thought maybe you and Kiernan were just catching up on old times. Although I guess that might have been awkward with your new guy around. Mom chokes on her tea and gives me a questioning look. I start to respond, but Trey beats me to it. Perhaps, he says in a level voice, staring directly at Pru. But no more awkward than sitting across the table from the aunt who sneaked into her boyfriend’s bedroom. Pru’s eyebrows rise gradually, and she does a slow clap, her grin widening. Ooh, touché! After your rather

Rysa Walker

Pru shrugs. I wasn’t sure how long they’d hold our reservation. A sly grin spreads over her face. I thought maybe you and Kiernan were just catching up on old times. Although I guess that might have been awkward with your new guy around. Mom chokes on her tea and gives me a questioning look. I start to respond, but Trey beats me to it. Perhaps, he says in a level voice, staring directly at Pru. But no more awkward than sitting across the table from the aunt who sneaked into her boyfriend’s bedroom. Pru’s eyebrows rise gradually, and she does a slow clap, her grin widening. Ooh, touché! After your rather

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About Rysa Walker

Rysa Walker is an American author of science fiction, fantasy, and mysteries. Her first novel, Timebound, was the 2013 Grand Prize winner of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award.