Robyn Carr Quote

Jack, she said breathlessly. You’re going to have to take a look. Get the flashlight and shine it right on my pelvic floor. See if the birth canal is opening. Tell me if you see him coming. How will I know what to look for? he asked. She narrowed her eyes at him. It has hair, she said in a very snotty tone. Okay, don’t get pissy, I don’t do this for a living. She lifted her knees and spread them while Jack held the flashlight on her. Whoa, he said. He looked over her knees at her face. He looked a little bit pale. Show me how much, like this, she said, showing him a circle with her thumb and forefinger. He responded by showing her a circle, larger than hers. Ho, boy, she said. He turned off the flashlight. Melinda, I want you to wait for John.... I am sick to death of being told to wait for John! she said meanly. Jack, listen to me. I’m having this baby. Period. And you’re going to pay attention and help. Got that? Aw, Melinda... She grabbed his wrist and dug her nails into him. Do you think this is my first choice? He thought briefly about suggesting, again, that she try to hold off. But he knew he was not in the driver’s seat here, plus he was resisting the urge to look at his wrist to see if she’d drawn blood.

Robyn Carr

Jack, she said breathlessly. You’re going to have to take a look. Get the flashlight and shine it right on my pelvic floor. See if the birth canal is opening. Tell me if you see him coming. How will I know what to look for? he asked. She narrowed her eyes at him. It has hair, she said in a very snotty tone. Okay, don’t get pissy, I don’t do this for a living. She lifted her knees and spread them while Jack held the flashlight on her. Whoa, he said. He looked over her knees at her face. He looked a little bit pale. Show me how much, like this, she said, showing him a circle with her thumb and forefinger. He responded by showing her a circle, larger than hers. Ho, boy, she said. He turned off the flashlight. Melinda, I want you to wait for John.... I am sick to death of being told to wait for John! she said meanly. Jack, listen to me. I’m having this baby. Period. And you’re going to pay attention and help. Got that? Aw, Melinda... She grabbed his wrist and dug her nails into him. Do you think this is my first choice? He thought briefly about suggesting, again, that she try to hold off. But he knew he was not in the driver’s seat here, plus he was resisting the urge to look at his wrist to see if she’d drawn blood.

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About Robyn Carr

Robyn Carr is an American author. She is the writer of the Virgin River series of books and has written more than fifty novels. Her novels have been on The New York Times Best Seller list, including titles such as The Hero.
She is also an executive producer on the television adaptations of Virgin River and Sullivan's Crossing.