Mary Balogh Quote

What if I should drop the ring? Cyril asked on the way to the church. Surely one of the functions of the best man - the principal function, in fact - was the calm the nerves of the bridegroom. Then you crawl around on the floor until you recover it, Percy said. It will not happen.I have never done this before, Cyril added.Neither have I, Percy told him.

Mary Balogh

What if I should drop the ring? Cyril asked on the way to the church. Surely one of the functions of the best man - the principal function, in fact - was the calm the nerves of the bridegroom. Then you crawl around on the floor until you recover it, Percy said. It will not happen.I have never done this before, Cyril added.Neither have I, Percy told him.

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About Mary Balogh

Mary Balogh (born Mary Jenkins on 24 March 1944) is a Welsh-Canadian novelist writing historical romance, born and raised in Swansea. In 1967, she moved to Canada to start a teaching career, married a local coroner and settled in Kipling, Saskatchewan, where she eventually became a school principal. Her debut novel appeared in 1985. Her historical fiction is set in the Regency era (1811–1820) or the wider Georgian era (1714–1830).