Kresley Cole Quote

Seductive Lamia observed, Under your direction, La Dorada the Queen of Evil has arisen.Dora and I are like this. Nïx spread her arms wide. Now, I’ll be the first to admit she’s not without faults. Very grumpy when she wakes up. And with Dora, it’s always

Kresley Cole

Seductive Lamia observed, Under your direction, La Dorada the Queen of Evil has arisen.Dora and I are like this. Nïx spread her arms wide. Now, I’ll be the first to admit she’s not without faults. Very grumpy when she wakes up. And with Dora, it’s always

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About Kresley Cole

Kresley Cole is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of paranormal romance and young adult novels. She has received three Romance Writers of America (RWA) RITA Awards and was inducted into the RWA Hall of Fame in 2009.