Joseph Heller Quote

What would they do to me, he asked in confidential tones, if I refused to fly them?We'd probably shoot you, ex-P.F.C. Wintergreen replied.We? Yossarian cried in surprise. What do you mean, we? Since when are you on their side?If you're going to be shot, whose side do you expect me to be on? ex-P.F.C. Wintergreen retorted

Joseph Heller

What would they do to me, he asked in confidential tones, if I refused to fly them?We'd probably shoot you, ex-P.F.C. Wintergreen replied.We? Yossarian cried in surprise. What do you mean, we? Since when are you on their side?If you're going to be shot, whose side do you expect me to be on? ex-P.F.C. Wintergreen retorted

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About Joseph Heller

Joseph Heller (May 1, 1923 – December 12, 1999) was an American author of novels, short stories, plays, and screenplays. His best-known work is the 1961 novel Catch-22, a satire on war and bureaucracy, whose title has become a synonym for an absurd or contradictory choice. He was nominated in 1972 for the Nobel Prize in Literature.