J.D. Robb Quote

So, you’re dead asleep, and you get a call. Something terrible’s happened, and I’m dead. What do you do? It took him a moment to quell the terror, to ignore the small, dark place inside him that feared getting that call every day. Before or after I fall prostrate with grief? Before, during, and after. Do you peruse your wardrobe and select a coordinating outfit—down to the footwear? Do you deal with your hair so it’s perfectly groomed? With my considerable skills and innate instincts that would take no time at all. Keep it up and I’ll dump red sauce all over your fashionable smarty-pants. That statement is one of the countless reasons why, under the circumstances you described, I’d be lucky to remember to dress at all.

J.D. Robb

So, you’re dead asleep, and you get a call. Something terrible’s happened, and I’m dead. What do you do? It took him a moment to quell the terror, to ignore the small, dark place inside him that feared getting that call every day. Before or after I fall prostrate with grief? Before, during, and after. Do you peruse your wardrobe and select a coordinating outfit—down to the footwear? Do you deal with your hair so it’s perfectly groomed? With my considerable skills and innate instincts that would take no time at all. Keep it up and I’ll dump red sauce all over your fashionable smarty-pants. That statement is one of the countless reasons why, under the circumstances you described, I’d be lucky to remember to dress at all.

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About J.D. Robb

Nora Roberts (born Eleanor Marie Robertson on October 10, 1950) is an American author of over 225 romance novels. She writes as J. D. Robb, Jill March, and (in the U.K.) Sarah Hardesty.