Hannah Fielding Quote

As the sun began to rise, the man reached out to the woman, and they clasped hands. He cradled her, and languidly they lifted themselves up to their feet, their bodies brushing, their eyes lost in each other's. Sensuously, deliberately, they danced, moving as though they were one, their body language smooth as their limbs carefully unfolded. They twirled and rocked, intertwined and separated, nearly leaning onto one another but barely touching, their movements sometimes tender, sometimes almost violent...Moments passed while the dancers held tight to each other, as though their bodies were melting together. The expression on their features as they lifted their faces to the sky was one of unimaginable joy.

Hannah Fielding

As the sun began to rise, the man reached out to the woman, and they clasped hands. He cradled her, and languidly they lifted themselves up to their feet, their bodies brushing, their eyes lost in each other's. Sensuously, deliberately, they danced, moving as though they were one, their body language smooth as their limbs carefully unfolded. They twirled and rocked, intertwined and separated, nearly leaning onto one another but barely touching, their movements sometimes tender, sometimes almost violent...Moments passed while the dancers held tight to each other, as though their bodies were melting together. The expression on their features as they lifted their faces to the sky was one of unimaginable joy.

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About Hannah Fielding

Hannah Fielding is a contemporary Romance fiction writer. Her second book, The Echoes of Love, won a 2014 Gold IPPY Award for Romance and the Silver Medal for Romance at the 2014 Foreword Reviews IndieFab Book Awards, a paid vanity award. Her third novel, Indiscretion, was named the Gold Winner in the Fiction: Romance Category of the 2015 USA Best Book Awards. It also won Gold at the 2016 Benjamin Franklin Awards. Indiscretion is the first novel in the Andalucian Nights Trilogy. The second part, Masquerade, was published in 2015 as well, and the third part, "Legacy" was published in summer 2016.