Erin McKean Quote

Short for MOUNTAIN LAUREL. - short for CHERRY LAUREL. - the bay tree. See BAY2 . 2 an aromatic evergreen shrub related to the bay tree, several kinds of which form forests in tropical and warm countries.  Lauraceae 3 (usu. laurels) the foliage of the bay tree woven into a wreath or crown and worn on the head as an emblem of victory or mark of honor in classical times. FIGURATIVE honor: she has rightly won laurels for this brilliantly perceptive first novel. ■ v. (-reled, -rel·ing; BRIT. -relled, -rel·ling) [trans.] adorn with or as if with a laurel: they banish our anger forever when they laurel the graves of our dead. □ look to one's laurels be careful not to lose one's superior position to a rival. □ rest on one's laurels be so

Erin McKean

Short for MOUNTAIN LAUREL. - short for CHERRY LAUREL. - the bay tree. See BAY2 . 2 an aromatic evergreen shrub related to the bay tree, several kinds of which form forests in tropical and warm countries.  Lauraceae 3 (usu. laurels) the foliage of the bay tree woven into a wreath or crown and worn on the head as an emblem of victory or mark of honor in classical times. FIGURATIVE honor: she has rightly won laurels for this brilliantly perceptive first novel. ■ v. (-reled, -rel·ing; BRIT. -relled, -rel·ling) [trans.] adorn with or as if with a laurel: they banish our anger forever when they laurel the graves of our dead. □ look to one's laurels be careful not to lose one's superior position to a rival. □ rest on one's laurels be so

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About Erin McKean

Erin McKean (born 1971) is an American lexicographer.