Erin McKean Quote

Self-propelled or directed by remote control, carrying a conventional or nuclear explosive. early 17th cent. (as an adjective in the sense 'suitable for throwing (at a target)'): from Latin missile, neuter (used as a noun) of missilis, from miss- 'sent', from the verb mittere. mis·sile·ry n. 1 the study

Erin McKean

Self-propelled or directed by remote control, carrying a conventional or nuclear explosive. early 17th cent. (as an adjective in the sense 'suitable for throwing (at a target)'): from Latin missile, neuter (used as a noun) of missilis, from miss- 'sent', from the verb mittere. mis·sile·ry n. 1 the study

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About Erin McKean

Erin McKean (born 1971) is an American lexicographer.