Erin McKean Quote

Laugh·ing thrush n. a gregarious thrushlike babbler of South and Southeast Asia, typically with dark gray or brown plumage and a boldly marked head, and having a cackling call.  Genus Garrulax, family Timaliidae: many species. Laugh·lin a community in southern Arizona, across the Colorado River from Bullhead City; pop. 4,791. laugh·ter n. the action or sound of laughing: he roared with laughter. Old English hleahtor, of Germanic origin; related to German Gelächter, also to LAUGH. Linked

Erin McKean

Laugh·ing thrush n. a gregarious thrushlike babbler of South and Southeast Asia, typically with dark gray or brown plumage and a boldly marked head, and having a cackling call.  Genus Garrulax, family Timaliidae: many species. Laugh·lin a community in southern Arizona, across the Colorado River from Bullhead City; pop. 4,791. laugh·ter n. the action or sound of laughing: he roared with laughter. Old English hleahtor, of Germanic origin; related to German Gelächter, also to LAUGH. Linked

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About Erin McKean

Erin McKean (born 1971) is an American lexicographer.