Catherine Anderson Quote

You must trust the Great Ones, If you are certain she is the woman of the prophecy, then all will be well. The song cannot come to pass if she dies.Hunter tucked in his chin to study the girl’s mud-streaked face and found himself wondering how he ever could have thought her ugly. Could a shaft of sunlight be ugly? A sparkle of moonlight upon water? I’m certain, Warrior. She is the woman. Already, part of the prophecy has come to pass, eh? Her voice has been returned to her.And she has stolen your Comanche heart, has she not?She has great courage for one so small, but my heart is my own. As it will always be.Warrior leaned sideways to peer over Hunter’s shoulder at the yellow-hair’s face, his own creasing in a grin. Yes, there is something about her, is there not? The mud, I think. It does something for her.Hunter smiled in spite of himself. She looks like She Who Shakes got ahold of her. Remember when Ki-was, Rascal, let her make his war paint?Warrior chuckled. The time she mixed it too thin? The three red stripes on his chin dripped, and he rode into battle looking like a People Eater. Yes, I remember.Hunter flexed his tense back, letting the sound of Warrior’s laughter soothe him.She sleeps like a baby, Hunter. That’s a good sign, no? She must be starting to trust you. She’ll begin eating and drinking soon.She’s just exhausted and weak from thirst. Too weary to be frightened. Or to give me trouble.

Catherine Anderson

You must trust the Great Ones, If you are certain she is the woman of the prophecy, then all will be well. The song cannot come to pass if she dies.Hunter tucked in his chin to study the girl’s mud-streaked face and found himself wondering how he ever could have thought her ugly. Could a shaft of sunlight be ugly? A sparkle of moonlight upon water? I’m certain, Warrior. She is the woman. Already, part of the prophecy has come to pass, eh? Her voice has been returned to her.And she has stolen your Comanche heart, has she not?She has great courage for one so small, but my heart is my own. As it will always be.Warrior leaned sideways to peer over Hunter’s shoulder at the yellow-hair’s face, his own creasing in a grin. Yes, there is something about her, is there not? The mud, I think. It does something for her.Hunter smiled in spite of himself. She looks like She Who Shakes got ahold of her. Remember when Ki-was, Rascal, let her make his war paint?Warrior chuckled. The time she mixed it too thin? The three red stripes on his chin dripped, and he rode into battle looking like a People Eater. Yes, I remember.Hunter flexed his tense back, letting the sound of Warrior’s laughter soothe him.She sleeps like a baby, Hunter. That’s a good sign, no? She must be starting to trust you. She’ll begin eating and drinking soon.She’s just exhausted and weak from thirst. Too weary to be frightened. Or to give me trouble.

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About Catherine Anderson

Catherine Anderson (born December 22, 1948) is an American best-selling writer of historical and contemporary romance novels since 1988.