Cal Newport Quote

In other words, forget why Jordan adopted this mindset and notice instead how he deploys it. In the next chapter, I will argue that regardless of how you feel about your job right now, adopting the craftsman mindset will be the foundation on which you’ll build a compelling career. This is why I reject the argument from pre-existing passion, because it gets things backward. In reality, as I’ll demonstrate, you adopt the craftsman mindset first and then the passion follows.

Cal Newport

In other words, forget why Jordan adopted this mindset and notice instead how he deploys it. In the next chapter, I will argue that regardless of how you feel about your job right now, adopting the craftsman mindset will be the foundation on which you’ll build a compelling career. This is why I reject the argument from pre-existing passion, because it gets things backward. In reality, as I’ll demonstrate, you adopt the craftsman mindset first and then the passion follows.

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About Cal Newport

Calvin C. Newport is an American nonfiction author and full time professor of computer science at Georgetown University.