Bobby Underwood Quote

We enjoyed our newfound intimacy, quietly and tenderly adoring each other as Jasper kept hopping into his pretty master's lap to be in the middle of things. There is nothing like love when it is new, especially when it comes quickly, and out of the blue. How we had found each other, why we had found each other, and the otherworldly mystery surrounding our romance — much of which she was still unaware — felt unimportant compared to being in each other's arms and being happy that we had. There had been a time on a blood-soaked beach far away when I was unsure whether I would even make it back. To make it back, have literary success, and then find love, seemed unfair to those who had fallen beside me and made the trip home in darkness. Had that happened to Johnny, or were those in the village wrong?

Bobby Underwood

We enjoyed our newfound intimacy, quietly and tenderly adoring each other as Jasper kept hopping into his pretty master's lap to be in the middle of things. There is nothing like love when it is new, especially when it comes quickly, and out of the blue. How we had found each other, why we had found each other, and the otherworldly mystery surrounding our romance — much of which she was still unaware — felt unimportant compared to being in each other's arms and being happy that we had. There had been a time on a blood-soaked beach far away when I was unsure whether I would even make it back. To make it back, have literary success, and then find love, seemed unfair to those who had fallen beside me and made the trip home in darkness. Had that happened to Johnny, or were those in the village wrong?

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