Bobby Underwood Quote

The smell of Jasmine was in the sea air. Any other day I would have adhered to the Victory Speed but I couldn't wait to reach the village. I smiled to myself, thinking what a stir it would cause when I drove through in Deanna's car; a car that supposedly wouldn't start and couldn't be moved. Poppycock! I wasn't sure about Johnny's plight yet, and it might very well be that that part of the story was true. If so, I would have to break it to her gently. Maybe that was another reason why she couldn't remember; it was so awful her mind wouldn't allow her to remember. I'd seen it happen to guys who'd seen too much combat sometimes.

Bobby Underwood

The smell of Jasmine was in the sea air. Any other day I would have adhered to the Victory Speed but I couldn't wait to reach the village. I smiled to myself, thinking what a stir it would cause when I drove through in Deanna's car; a car that supposedly wouldn't start and couldn't be moved. Poppycock! I wasn't sure about Johnny's plight yet, and it might very well be that that part of the story was true. If so, I would have to break it to her gently. Maybe that was another reason why she couldn't remember; it was so awful her mind wouldn't allow her to remember. I'd seen it happen to guys who'd seen too much combat sometimes.

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