Susan Mallery Quote

Vegetarians.Cookie muttered something under his breath. I ain’t cooking no tofu. I’ll quit first.Fine by me. You cook what you like. I just wanted you to know.Vegetarians. Cookie washed his hands, then attacked the lettuce. Frank walked into the kitchen. Everything’s all set, boss. Tents, saddles, supplies. Cookie’s wagon is loaded, except for the fresh stuff. We have a schedule set up. You’ll get a delivery every afternoon.Zane nodded. You get a look at the folks?His second in command did his best to keep his expression neutral, but Zane saw the corner of Frank’s mouth twitch.You mean the fact that you’ve got to deal with Maya’s mouth, some old ladies and a couple of kids?Cookie picked up a lethal-looking knife, then reached for several tomatoes. You left out the good part, Zane. Tell him about the damn nut eaters.When Frank looked confused, Zane shrugged. Vegetarians.This time Frank’s entire mouth jerked, but he controlled his humor. Sounds interesting.Tits are interesting, boy, Cookie growled. Vegetarians are just plain stupid. If people want to eat leaves and grubs, then they should go live in the forest. Root around with those ugly truffle pigs and get away from my table.What time is supper? Zane asked.Cookie snarled something under his breath, then walked to the back door and stuck his head out. Billy, you got that there barbecue ready yet, boy?Yes, sir. Coals are hot and gray. You wanted them gray, didn’t you, Cookie?What color gray?There was a pause. Sort of medium.Huh. Cookie closed the back door and grinned at Zane. I screw with him because he makes it so easy.

Susan Mallery

Vegetarians.Cookie muttered something under his breath. I ain’t cooking no tofu. I’ll quit first.Fine by me. You cook what you like. I just wanted you to know.Vegetarians. Cookie washed his hands, then attacked the lettuce. Frank walked into the kitchen. Everything’s all set, boss. Tents, saddles, supplies. Cookie’s wagon is loaded, except for the fresh stuff. We have a schedule set up. You’ll get a delivery every afternoon.Zane nodded. You get a look at the folks?His second in command did his best to keep his expression neutral, but Zane saw the corner of Frank’s mouth twitch.You mean the fact that you’ve got to deal with Maya’s mouth, some old ladies and a couple of kids?Cookie picked up a lethal-looking knife, then reached for several tomatoes. You left out the good part, Zane. Tell him about the damn nut eaters.When Frank looked confused, Zane shrugged. Vegetarians.This time Frank’s entire mouth jerked, but he controlled his humor. Sounds interesting.Tits are interesting, boy, Cookie growled. Vegetarians are just plain stupid. If people want to eat leaves and grubs, then they should go live in the forest. Root around with those ugly truffle pigs and get away from my table.What time is supper? Zane asked.Cookie snarled something under his breath, then walked to the back door and stuck his head out. Billy, you got that there barbecue ready yet, boy?Yes, sir. Coals are hot and gray. You wanted them gray, didn’t you, Cookie?What color gray?There was a pause. Sort of medium.Huh. Cookie closed the back door and grinned at Zane. I screw with him because he makes it so easy.

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About Susan Mallery

Susan Mallery (born 1970) is an American author of popular romance novels set in non-urban, close-knit communities. Because of her love for animals, pets play a significant role in her books.