Sherwood Smith Quote

The others conversed little, and at the end of the meal I looked up, saw the unmistakable marks of fever in their faces. Branaric grinned. What a trio we make! Look at us.Annoyance flared anew. Glaring at him, I said hoarsely, Look at yourself. I’d rather spare myself the nightmare, which would affright even a half-sighted gargoyle.Bran gaped at me in surprise, then laughed. Just keep that temper sharp. You’ll need it, for we may be on the march tomorrow.Oh, good, I croaked with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.It sounded about as false as it felt, and Bran laughed again; but before he could say anything, the Marquis suggested that we all retire, for the morrow promised to be a long day.

Sherwood Smith

The others conversed little, and at the end of the meal I looked up, saw the unmistakable marks of fever in their faces. Branaric grinned. What a trio we make! Look at us.Annoyance flared anew. Glaring at him, I said hoarsely, Look at yourself. I’d rather spare myself the nightmare, which would affright even a half-sighted gargoyle.Bran gaped at me in surprise, then laughed. Just keep that temper sharp. You’ll need it, for we may be on the march tomorrow.Oh, good, I croaked with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.It sounded about as false as it felt, and Bran laughed again; but before he could say anything, the Marquis suggested that we all retire, for the morrow promised to be a long day.

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About Sherwood Smith

Sherwood Smith (born May 29, 1951) is an American fantasy and science fiction writer for young adults and adults. Smith is a Nebula Award finalist and a longtime writing group organizer and participant.
Smith's works include the YA novel Crown Duel. Smith also collaborated with Dave Trowbridge in writing the Exordium series and with Andre Norton in writing two of the books in the Solar Queen universe.
In 2001, her short story "Mom and Dad at the Home Front" was a finalist for the Nebula Award for Best Short Story. Smith's children's books have made it on many library Best Books lists. Her Wren's War was an Anne Spencer Lindbergh Honor Book, and it and The Spy Princess were Mythopoeic Fantasy Award finalists.