Ray Bradbury Quote

— Ei bine, în definitiv, trăim în epoca materialelor de unică folosinţă. Omul de azi e ca un șervețel de hârtie. Îţi sufli nasul pe cineva, faci haina cocoloş şi o arunci la toaletă, te duci la altul, sufli, faci cocoloş, arunci. Fiecare foloseşte poalele hainei altcuiva. Cum să fii suporterul unei echipe locale când nu cunoaște nici programul meciurilor și nici numele jucătorilor? Apropo, ce culoare de tricouri poartă când ies pe teren?

Ray Bradbury

— Ei bine, în definitiv, trăim în epoca materialelor de unică folosinţă. Omul de azi e ca un șervețel de hârtie. Îţi sufli nasul pe cineva, faci haina cocoloş şi o arunci la toaletă, te duci la altul, sufli, faci cocoloş, arunci. Fiecare foloseşte poalele hainei altcuiva. Cum să fii suporterul unei echipe locale când nu cunoaște nici programul meciurilor și nici numele jucătorilor? Apropo, ce culoare de tricouri poartă când ies pe teren?

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About Ray Bradbury

Ray Douglas Bradbury (US: BRAD-berr-ee; August 22, 1920 – June 5, 2012) was an American author and screenwriter. One of the most celebrated 20th-century American writers, he worked in a variety of genres, including fantasy, science fiction, horror, mystery, and realistic fiction.
Bradbury is best known for his novel Fahrenheit 451 (1953) and his short-story collections The Martian Chronicles (1950), The Illustrated Man (1951), "The Veldt", and The October Country (1955). Other notable works include the coming of age novel Dandelion Wine (1957), the dark fantasy Something Wicked This Way Comes (1962) and the fictionalized memoir Green Shadows, White Whale (1992). He also wrote and consulted on screenplays and television scripts, including Moby Dick and It Came from Outer Space. Many of his works were adapted into television and film productions as well as comic books. Bradbury also wrote poetry which has been published in several collections, such as They Have Not Seen the Stars (2001).
The New York Times called Bradbury "An author whose fanciful imagination, poetic prose, and mature understanding of human character have won him an international reputation" and "the writer most responsible for bringing modern science fiction into the literary mainstream".