Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Quote

It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the "goyim" the very principle of god-head and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the "goyim" the very principle of god-head and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs

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About Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Russian: Протоколы сионских мудрецов, Protokoly Sionskikh Mudretsov), or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion (Протоколы собраний ученых сионских мудрецов, Protokoly Sobraniy Uchenykh Sionskikh Mudretsov), is a fabricated text purporting to detail a Jewish plot for global domination. Largely plagiarized from several earlier sources, it was first published in Imperial Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. It played a key part in popularizing belief in an international Jewish conspiracy.
The text was exposed as fraudulent by the British newspaper The Times in 1921 and by the German newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung in 1924. Beginning in 1933, distillations of the work were assigned by some German teachers, as if they were factual, to be read by German schoolchildren throughout Nazi Germany. It remains widely available in numerous languages, in print and on the Internet, and continues to be presented by antisemitic groups as a genuine document. It has been described as "probably the most influential work of antisemitism ever written".